Monday, March 10, 2008


We went for a long walk by the beach yesterday, and seriously wondered if it had somehow become summer all of a sudden. The temperatures were in the 70s at least and we walked for about an hour and a half. It was great to be out in the sun and feel the sand, surf, and see all the happy people. If I had known how gorgeous it was going to be, I would have worn my swim suit! I luckily left my sweatshirt in the car, but it was breezy when we got out of the car, so I thought about bringing it with me, but was so glad that I didn't. If we had taken water with us, we probably would have kept going for another hour or so! I wish I was more motivated to get up in the mornings and go to the beach to walk. It's about a 7 minute drive to the beach, so it would really be possible, that is if we could wake up early! Today was the first real morning of Daylight savings time and it felt like the alarm was going off at the crack of dawn. I reset it for another half hour of sleep and then hit snooze once... so really 45 minutes of extra sleep than planned. But we got up and made it off to work relatively close to the regular time. Hopefully it will start to feel normal soon!

I am dying for my scrapbooking stuff that still hasn't come in the mail. I am getting antsy and I even went to one of the scrapbooking stores here in SD to see if they had anything good. Unfortunately they looked like they could go out of business any minute, which was a total bummer. I didn't buy anything because it all looked really picked over. Hopefully my stuff will come soon! :) Hope you are having a great Monday!

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