Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fickle La Jolla Light

We walked in La Jolla on Sunday afternoon. I love it down there, it's so beautiful and peaceful. We were very lucky to be married there about 3 years ago. This weekend the weather was a lot like it has been the past couple days. Cold and cloudy, windy, enough that you want to wear a jacket and jeans. Even Chris wore jeans... so that is really saying something.

These are probably technically very bad pictures, but honestly, that is what the light looked like that day. It perfectly captured what kind of day it was- being outside in it made you think that you should have something simmering on the stove back home, because pretty soon you were going to want to go inside and warm up. At least that is my Arizona/California girl logic- anything below 65 is COLD. It was probably in the 60s down there. At nights lately it has been getting down into the 50s! Brrr. It's totally sporadic though. I heard on the news tonight that we are having a "Red Flag Warning" tomorrow, which indicates a high fire danger. It's predicted to be in the 80s at the coast. So you never know.This is a color photo, I promise. You practically would not even know.
So the above pictures were all taken looking to the west, and I decided to take just one looking to the east. Funny how the light plays tricks on you, huh? From this one- it's just another day in sunny San Diego.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures make me REALLY want to visit you. What fun to se how differently the light makes the perspective of gloomy and/or cheerful. Love to you,