Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Windansea Sunday

We decided to take in the beach on Sunday afternoon. We got up early and pulled out our old kitchen faucet then made the trip up to Home Depot to get a new one and all the paraphenila needed to replace it. Chris did an amazing job, it really needed to be replaced. We figured after all that work, we deserved a relaxing stroll on the beach. We parked near where we had our wedding, and walked south on the beach. We had never been down that way, and it was beautiful. The sand was so soft and white, like sugar. You couldn't get anywhere quickly, because you kind of sunk in with each step, but it was gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your "orange" or is it red(?) jacket. It looks so pretty there. I would love to walk south as you described next time we are there! I am SOO coming over before too long. Good to talk to you tonight! Love,