Monday, March 31, 2008

Want to go on a hike with us?

We headed to Torrey Pines yesterday (are you detecting a pattern here?) and we decided on the way there that we were going to try to park close to the reserve side of the park so that we could do a hilly walk rather than a beach walk. The weather was nice, but not the pure summer weather that we have been having. Some clouds here and there, warm, but breezy. We couldn't find parking so we had to park kind of far away. It was okay though.

We started by the train tracks.... The fields have been filled with yellow flowers lately. It's like everything bloomed at once.

Then we walked along the beach down to the entrance to Torrey Pines State Park... It was so windy people were flying kites! So colorful! And this one that looks like a seagull! How funny! It's really a kite I promise! Hard to tell from the picture, but it really was. I don't really like the seagulls at all, and there are a lot of them on the beach. I'm never really tempted to take pictures of them, but I thought that this was just so funny!

We then trudged up the hill and found this little path that cuts back west to the water. Not a strenuous hike at all, this was pretty flat once we were on the trail.

We passed a dad with two kids, a boy and a girl. The boy asked the dad, "Dad, if you were a bee, what kind of bee would you want to be? A carpenter bee, honey bee, or a worker bee?" and the dad responded, "A honey bee, for sure!" And the kid said, "I'd want to be a carpenter bee..." and continued to discuss this with his dad, which I thought was pretty cute.

Then we got to where we could see the water ahead of us again:

and it got windy and cold!! But so pretty! That's La Jolla in the distance...

Here are the waves below where are when we walk along the beach:

After that path we decided to head back to the main road and continue all the way to the top of the hill. There is a Torrey Pines Lodge up there! We never knew about that. We made it to the top, turned around and started back down to the beach. On the way we saw a hang glider:

Then we got a better view of him as we turned the corner:

We walked back along the beach and under the train tracks back to our car. It was a really nice break in the middle of the day and a memorable part of the weekend. Hope you had a great one too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your pictures make your walk seem like a story for the reader. Always knew you had an author inside!