Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Happy

My yoga teacher on Saturday opened our class with a focal theme- what makes you happy? Not just giddy, giggly, on the edge of your seat happy, but contented, reflective, peaceful happy too. How many levels of variation are there between the two extremes and how do you determine the difference between them? I would love for you to comment back and share your thoughts, but in true blog fashion- I will share mine first!

1. Little things- Totally number one for me. Right before our wedding, Chris took our rings to the jewelry store to get them cleaned. He left mine for me on the nightstand with a post-it note that said "Will you marry me?" I got it right before I left for our rehearsal dinner. That note was so special to me amidst all the crazy extravagant wedding stuff. I have kept it to this day...

But also, little things like the fact that this morning I am having tea in a beautiful mug that I totally love. It makes my morning a little more special.

2. Accomplishments- Big and small. Sometimes it's just getting an area of the house clean, and even though it's fleeting, for a while I just revel in it. The big things are important too- meeting a deadline at work, finishing a big project, getting done is good, but that feeling as you are making progress is really great too. Keeps ya going.

3. Friends and family- (awww) There is nothing like spending time with the people that you love and that love you right back. Even getting phone calls, emails, etc. from these people just make my day.

Please, if you have a moment, share a little or big something that is making you happy today!

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